Associated Actors and Technicians

Associated Actors and Technicians

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Alumni Cabaret

A little late, but still cool.

On Saturday October 27th, 2012, AAT hosted its first ever Alumni Cabaret. With the much appreciated help of Carol Biddle, we were able to throw an event unlike any other that I've seen in my time with AAT. Students current and old gathered downtown at the Eccles Arts Center and began to socialize. The goal of the event was to get graduated, alumni, students to have conversations with current students about success. Perhaps discuss what they didn't know but wish they did when entering the theatre world outside of Weber.

Carol graced us with enough funds (with the help of the Alumni Center, Lucky Heath, and many others, I'm sure) to have the event  catered with Wine and little snacky-bits from Roosters. The cabaret tables were set, candles lit, and Nic Maughan played beautiful undertones for our conversations to flourish.

David Spangenthal was our special guest for the evening. While no one alumni is more important than the other, David was our resident artist for the department. He was visiting from NYC to teach master classes and show students that success can happen to those that try.
Having David was such a treat. One AAT member, Rachel Schull, attended as well. This was especially exciting for me, personally, because Rachel had never been to a Cabaret before. I was determined to get her excited. I think I did, because she wrote this for me:

   For all my time here at Weber, this was my first cabaret experience. With how much I was truly impressed on this evening, I can only look back on past cabarets as missed experiences. I was so happy to see Weber alumni that have kept up their talent and passion for theatre. Each performer filled the room with their own energy and music. It was great to see my peers perform along side successful and seasoned actors including David Spangenthal. It was even more pleasing to see the performing similarities that only prove what we’re learning here at Weber is the path to a successful career in performing.
            Of coarse all the performers were amazing. From the jazzy melody by Jenny Carver Land, to my “secret” crush’s self written love song, to Maddie’s perfected performance of Meadowlark- everyone shined. The grand finale brought the house down as Spangenthal took us play by play of one memorable Broadway performance of Beauty and the Beast; and now we may never hear the lyrics “No pain could be deeper” ever the same.
            I thoroughly enjoyed myself that night and couldn’t be more proud of my peers! Great job everyone and thank you AAT for putting this together!

Thank you, Rachel, for attending. We really all had a blast. I look forward to seeing Alumni Cabaret become a yearly event. Maybe one day you will come back and showcase your success. Because we know you're going to be so successful! We all are!

Keep your schedules open for the Holiday Cabaret on December 8th. It will be held in BC230 at 8pm. More information to come!

Love always,
Derek Williamson
P.S. I'll add pictures later!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Over the past four years, AAT has produced a series of nights where Ten or more performers prepare songs, poetry, dance, monologues, etc. and perform them at the front of the room, in front of round tables, occupied by casual viewers.  These events have been titled Cabaret Nights, and have been wildly successful.

Last year was our first ever Halloween themed Cabaret entitled CaBOO!ret. It is a play on words that we're quite proud of. This event was so very exciting! We had performers that weren't associated with the department, we had performances that were directly related to the spooky theme of the year, and we had attendance that nearly busted our little BC230

CaBOO!ret is easily my favorite AAT event of the year. This is wildly due to the fact that I LOVE Halloween. As a co-producer this year (2011) I was honored to host this event with Shelby Andersen. That was very, very exciting!

And as much as I love this event, I have to say, I am EXTREMELY excited for our upcoming Cabaret on October 27th. This night will be titled, Alumni Cabaret. We will gather at the Eccles Arts Center in downtown Ogden and watch current AAT members as well as WSU DPA Alumni. HOW EXCITING IS THAT???



Monday, October 1, 2012

Maybe you were there, maybe you missed it–either way, the reading for Shauna's play rocked it! On Wednesday, September 26th, several students, and a few faculty members, joined in the wildcat lair to hear the brilliant sounds of actors reading... But not reading just anything. They were reading Neverwonderland. This is a new play by AAT and WSU's own, Shauna Ross.

Shauna is a Theatre Education major and has been an AAT member for several years. She recently took a class with Dr. Jenny Kokai in play writing, and began the process for her script. The play was very well received, and people are still raving about it! But what is not to love? Far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise!

The play is a treat, and one really should read it, but just to get you excited, here is a little thing: Neverwonderland is about a girl struggling with what is real, and what is her imagination. If you can, READ IT!

Shauna prepares her script for the new work "contest," of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in February. This is especially exciting for AAT and WSU to get represented! And we know she'll do well with her beautifully written Neverwonderland.

Shauna, we wish you all the broken legs in the house. You deserve it!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So Much Soul, So Much Art.

You may have seen our posters around the Browning Center, and maybe a few on campus. These posters are for different events throughout the year and so far we've had a blast at all of them.

Just in case you missed them, let's recap.

1. Opening Social

Member new and old gathered in Veteren's Memorial Grove outside the BC to partake in yummy food, giggling, socializing, and games. President Trent Cox jumped on a rock and explained to those who don't know--what we are! We had a raffle for a free membership and this years winner was Maddie Tarbox!

2. Play in a Day

Our 24 hour play festival in which one act plays are written, rehearsed, and performed all in twenty four hours. Writers gathered the night before and put their brains to work writing really funny plays for the actors and the costumes they chose. Saturday morning directors and actors met, read the play, and began rehearsing.

We've heard from several sources that this Play in a Day was the most successful yet! AAT loves to hear that! We've also heard from a lot of your peers that it was really quite enjoyable. Several upperclassmen participated, and it was a really great opportunity for networking between classes.

3. Freshman Showcase

This is a new event for AAT. Trent Cox produced, Alax Garner co-produced this showcase of freshmen and new student work. Many performers had songs, but there was also a movement performance, a costume presentation, and several monologues. This event was so cool to attend, and really let us get to know a lot of the new students in our department!

4. Cabaret Nights

This event is yet to take place, but when it does, we hope that it will be well attended! My favorite thing about Cabaret is seeing my friends perform and exhibit passion. I love the passion AAT and the DPA has to offer. So much soul, so much art. Cabaret Nights is this Saturday, September 22nd at 8pm in BC230. I really hope to see a lot of your happy faces either watching or performing!

5. New Play Reading

I am especially excited for this event! Shauna Ross has written a new play, Neverwonderland, and we're stoked to facilitate a reading/talk back to strengthen her work and prepare it for KCACTF submission. We hope Shauna all the best and we hope to see you there!

This year is off to an amazing start! I cannot express how AAT is thriving. We look forward to your involvement and support.

Thank you,
Derek Williamson.

Monday, February 27, 2012


Hey, guys! Don't forget to take a trip up to the DPA office and pick up your membership card! On Friday 2nd, we're giving out free AAT key chains for those who present their membership cards!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


We’ve put together punch cards that can be used at all AAT concession tables. Just like in popular restaurants, for each $1 purchase you make, a punch will be made to your card. When the card has 5 punches on it, you can redeem it for an item of $1 value! That is like buy 5, get 1 free! Or 6 for the price of 5! 

Dear Member

Dear AAT member, 
          First off, the AAT board would like to express how excited we are to have you as part of our student production company.  As a member, there are a few things you should know: First, let us begin with where your membership fee money goes. You may have seen our work around the Browning Center. AAT provides breakfast on the morning of tech rehearsal for departmental shows, produces student-driven theater, including, but not limited to: Cabaret Nights, The Reality Fallacy, and The Cradle Will Rock, and holds an awards show at the end of every year.  First and foremost, AAT is about students and their theater ambitions. If ever you feel inclined to visit the board, we meet every Monday in BC230 at 1:30. We would love to have you meet with us, share your opinions, or even just observe. 

Some important dates to know:
·      Friday, February 10th: "Loves me/Not" Cabaret
·      Friday, March 2nd: Tartuffe Opening Reception
·      Friday, March 23rd: Cradle Opening Reception
·      Friday, April 6th: Donor Cabaret 
·      Thursday, April 19th: AAT Awards Show

KCACTF is upon us, and we’re looking for volunteers. If you were at the Mandatory Majors Meeting on January 5th , you already know that no official positions are being assigned. By expressing personal interest to Faculty and Staff, more volunteer opportunities will be available. An important thing to remember--when visiting schools are in our facility and on our campus--is that we need to be good hosts. It is our responsibility and privilege to show our fellow theater friends a good time. AAT has made purple scarves to show our visitors that we know how this campus works, and we are here to make the festival run as smoothly as possible. We really appreciate your cooperation! 

Taylor Knuth, our Student affairs representative, oversees the concession manning for snacks and drinks sold at all of our departmental shows. Whenever possible, volunteer through him to run these concession tables. Signup sheets can be found on the Main call board down stairs, right near the ushers signup sheet. As a reward for your efforts, every show you work, you get to have one drink and one candy.  

Stephanie Jameson, our Events Coordinator, will be putting together a subcommittee to help plan the End of the Year AAT Awards Show. If you have any event management skills, this will also be a great opportunity to for you to help out.

Derek Williamson, our Historian, is taking pictures of all AAT sponsored events to document our history together. If you have any extra special pictures that you think the world should see, share them with him!  You can email those pictures to

Contacting AAT is easier than you think! Emailing us at is an easy way, we also have a Facebook group called “Associated Actors and Technicians.” By reading our blog, one can better understand what we do throughout the year. You could even write and submit something to be published! OR come to our meetings! Monday @ 1:30 in BC230